I upgraded my Storage Center from 1.1 to the new StorageZones Controller 2.0 recently released from Citrix. This version is supposed to integrate connections for on-prem storage, network share connectors, and ShareFile connectors. I was excited to set up the Sharepoint access for my mobile users so I enabled just the Sharepoint feature on the controller install and logged into the ShareFile portal to create the connectors. However, in the portal under the Connectors tab, it told me that No Connectors-enabled StorageZones have been created…
I double-checked my configuration and everything looked right. I contact Citrix ShareFile support and apparently there is a bug in the current release. You must enable both Sharepoint and Network File Shares, even if you plan to use only one of the features, in order to create the connectors in the portal. Once I did this, the portal gave me the option to start creating connectors successfully. The bug is supposed to be fixed in the next update. Of course, I then later found out, 2 hours into troubleshooting and another call to Citrix later, That the Sharepoint connections will not show up for mobile devices for another week.