Lewan Technology and our partners AppSense, Citrix, and Unidesk bring unique value to desktop virtualization projects. But how do they integrate to ensure your are scaling the difficult "mountains" of VDI?
[fa icon="pencil'] Posted by Allie Perry [fa icon="calendar'] February 3, 2016 [fa icon="tags'] Virtualization, Citrix, AppSense, Unidesk
Lewan Technology and our partners AppSense, Citrix, and Unidesk bring unique value to desktop virtualization projects. But how do they integrate to ensure your are scaling the difficult "mountains" of VDI?
[fa icon="pencil'] Posted by Lewan Solutions [fa icon="calendar'] November 10, 2015 [fa icon="tags'] Virtualization, Citrix, AppSense, Unidesk
Over the past few years the idea that "next year will be the year of VDI" has been presented and each year we see that it's a bit of a flop. While maybe not THE year, 2015 - 2016 is a good time to reevaluate if desktop virtualization may is a fit for your business.
[fa icon="pencil'] Posted by Lewan Solutions [fa icon="calendar'] January 15, 2014 [fa icon="tags'] AppSense
Lewan Technology is excited to announce a new certification highlighting our expertise—AppSense Platinum Partner Certification. Platinum status is AppSense’s highest and most prestigious partner designation and Lewan was just one of three partners named in the Western US.
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