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Nimble Storage Announces New All Flash Array Series + 2 Upcoming Events

[fa icon="pencil'] Posted by Mike Garner [fa icon="calendar'] February 26, 2016 [fa icon="tags'] Virtualization, Data Storage, Lewan Events, Lewan News & PR, Disk Performance, Nimble Storage, Managed Infrastructure & Helpdesk

Nobody likes to wait. And time spent waiting for an application to respond is, at best, wasted staff time, and at worst, lost revenue or lost customers. To meet this demand for high performance, always-on infrastructures, one of the most exciting partnerships we’re able to offer our clients is Nimble Storage.

Our customers already rave about the simplicity and performance Nimble has brought to their infrastructures with hybrid storage arrays, and now this week, Nimble has announced a new family of storage arrays built with only flash drives, the Predictive All Flash Array (AFA).

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What is an IOP and why do I care...disk math, and does it matter?

[fa icon="pencil'] Posted by Lewan Solutions [fa icon="calendar'] June 14, 2015 [fa icon="tags'] VMware, Data Storage, NetApp, Cisco, Disk Performance, Nimble Storage

I'll start by answering the title question first. IOP is an acronym standing for Input Output Operation. It does seem like it should be IOO, but that's just not the way it worked out.

A related fact to note: we generally talk either about total IOPs for a given task, or we talk about a rate - IOPs per Second typically, noted as IOPS with a capital "S". And with that, the Wikipedia portion of today's discussion is complete. Let's move on to why we care about IOPs...

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