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PaperCut releases version 14.0 with some nice BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Tools

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[fa icon="pencil'] Posted by Lewan Solutions [fa icon="calendar"] January 25, 2014

PaperCut continues to up their game, and starting off in 2014 with a Happy New Year explosion of nice new tools!

Check out the information on their BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) with email to print and tracking. They now have the capability to do Google Cloud Print, iOS printing and printing from a web portal. They have a nice tool for an Environmental Dashboard that all users can check to see how they are doing against the rest of the organization. This look helps users compare and change their behavior based on the rest of the organization's trends on output.

Last, taking advantage of Windows 8 Tiles, the new PaperCut can report information on how you are doing in your print from last week to other valuable information that gives users helpful hints on how to print less. Check out the information below and check out http://www.papercut.com/release-history for their Release History on the newest options and fixes.


Printing for Mobile and BYO Devices
You’ve been telling us loud and clear one of the things to keep you awake at night is the complexity of integrating a huge selection of mobile and user-supplied technology. (What new e-gadgets did your colleagues bring into the office after the holidays?) With PaperCut version 14.0, you can easily plan and implement a complete BYOD printing strategy with the new, Mobile and BYOD feature set.

Email to Print is the latest addition to the Mobile story, rounding out the earlier capabilities of Google Cloud Print, iOS Printing and Web Print. Anyone on any platform can now print directly from their email accounts. We’ve also put together a three step approach for planning and deployment – which you can access directly from within PaperCut.

So no matter what device or platform your users bring to work, PaperCut has a managed print solution for you. If you haven’t considered BYOD and Mobile printing yet, the tools are here; now is the time.

First, the new PaperCut Environmental Dashboard provides insight into your organization’s printing. Everyone can check out how much (or how little) they’ve printed and rank their usage against the organization average.

Windows Live Tile for PaperCut

Second, as a growing number of our customers have introduced Windows 8.1 to their networks, the tiles on the Start Screen gave us the seed for a new idea. And so the PaperCut Live Tile was born!

With the Live Tile you have a cool new way to “tap users on the shoulder”. The tile motivates them to adopt new print habits through more than 20 user-specific facts, awards and challenges all generated from real-time PaperCut data. Check it out by pinning the new tile to your Windows Start Screen.


We will warn you in advance: These two features are great if you’re “green”… but can be kind of alarming if you’re not. (Fear not, though. We’ve heard many stories of our customers using the alarming print statistics to help justify budgets and projects!)

Lewan Solutions
Written by Lewan Solutions

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