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How to Build a Secure Network of Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

[fa icon="pencil'] Posted by Priyank Ghedia [fa icon="calendar'] April 10, 2018 [fa icon="tags'] Cisco, Networking, Data Security, Information Security, IoT

The “Internet of Things”, or IoT for short, is a buzzword you’ve probably heard many times before, but what does it really mean? Simply put, an IoT product is just a sensor with the ability to call home and execute functions that it’s designed for.

It’s become a hot topic in the last decade, but IoT has actually been around much longer than that even. One of the first mainstream consumer-facing applications was implemented in 1982. It was a smart Coca-Cola vending machine that reported the status of the vending machine so a technician could be sent to refill the cans when it was running low. If we fast forward to 2020, researchers predict 30-50 BILLION devices will be connected. By comparison, that’s 4-7x the world’s population.

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Cisco Live 2017 Recap, News & Product Updates

[fa icon="pencil'] Posted by Priyank Ghedia [fa icon="calendar'] August 8, 2017 [fa icon="tags'] Virtualization, Cisco, Networking, Unified Communication & Collaboration, Email Security, Cloud Computing, Product Announcements, Data Security, Information Security, Meraki

Guest post by Lewan Solutions Architect Priyank Ghedia. 

Cisco Live is one of the most awaited events every year for networking enthusiasts. This year the conference returned to Las Vegas, June 25 – 29 with some impressive stats: 28,000 attendees , 3,000 speakers and 1,000 education sessions.

There was something for every type of IT professional with sessions on Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), firewalls, data center architectures, cloud security plus opportunities to talk to industry specialists, peers and networking experts.

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