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What to Look for in a Cloud Managed Services Provider

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[fa icon="pencil'] Posted by Scott Pelletier [fa icon="calendar"] February 9, 2016

Think of cloud managed services and cloud solutions as a very large menu of al a carte items that you get to select from. For some companies it might make sense to buy one of everything on the menu, for others, just one service.

But developing a cloud strategy and understanding the benefits of the cloud can be confusing. How can the cloud benefit your organization? What problems does the cloud solve? Should you go to the cloud 100% or take a hybrid approach?

This is where we come in. Our experts can evaluate, plan and implement the cloud architecture and services that make sense and are right sized for your business.

More about Lewan’s Cloud Computing Platform

Lewan-Managed-Service-Offerings-1.pngAs one of Faction’s first white label partners, we have seen great customer satisfaction leveraging the Faction cloud platform as part of our managed services and hosting portfolio. Lewan leverages the cloud and colo infrastructure in seven data centers across the United States to provide hosting services for our clients. We then add any additional managed services our clients need to the stack so we can provide a comprehensive IT support experience with only one number to call. The array of services we offer fall into our four pillars (or “puzzle pieces”) of support. We tailor our offerings to take on the IT support functions of our clients when they don’t have the capacity or capability to provide on their own.

Contact Us  to take a look at your current IT enviroment and help you define cloud computing and cloud managed services right for your business.

Topics: Managed Services, Cloud Computing, IT Solutions

Scott Pelletier
Written by Scott Pelletier

Scott has been in the information technology industry since 1987, including earning a CIS degree from Regis University. Since joining Lewan in 2000, Scott has leveraged his experience in engineering, consulting and management to become a thought leader among vendor partners and the IT professionals' community. His in depth knowledge and finger on the pulse of new technologies drives his zeal for helping customers maximize value in their organizations.

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